Empower your sales team with continuous training.

Improve your sales team’s performance through highly individualized training
a screen shot of a web page with three people on it
Marie Hein
Kevin Steiger
Sami Al Kass
Melanie Krebs
Andrew Absolon
Kazia Arce-Vogel
Anna Siegert
Dennis Finimiento
Martin Haase
Lena Spies
Ernest Krychmar
Sofia Eichholt
70% of sales training is forgotten within a week

One-time sales workshops don't work.

Most companies offer salespeople one-time workshops or no training at all. Effective training needs to be continuous, personalized.

No training or one-off workshops

less likely to reach quota
more likely to change employer

Continuous, personalized training programs

higher net sales per employee
higher retention rates
Over 700 people trained
Over 500 vacancies filled
4.9/5 satisfaction rate

The hyrise approach

Building an effective in-house training program is difficult and expensive. We help you provide world-class training for your team at a fraction of the cost.

Increase in quota
Pipeline growth
Faster ramp up
a screen shot of the training session on a tablet
Over 700 people trained
Over 500 vacancies filled
4.9/5 satisfaction rate

3 reasons to train your team with hyrise

Continuous, personalized training designed to improve performance and impact revenue.

Continuous, personalized training paths

One-time, generic trainings don't work. Our training programs are tailored to each individual or group and are carried out continuously to ensure a noticeable impact on skills and revenue.

Hyrise Learning paths

1:1 or group sessions with world-class trainers

Your team works with professional sales trainers who "have been there, done that before" and are currently active in tech sales or have years of sales and training experience.

a woman sitting at a desk talking to a man

Practical, on-the-job training

We fit into your teams' daily work routine, enabling them to perform better by giving feedback on their daily activities and by making training sessions as practical as possible with roleplays, shadowings and deal reviews.

Practical Training
Over 700 people trained
Over 500 vacancies filled
4.9/5 satisfaction rate

Over 700 salespeople trained at top tech companies


In the past year, we have successfully trained over 700 people.


The satisfaction rate of our learners reflects the quality of our programs.


Sales employees taking our training increase their goal achievement by an average of 31%.

How Emlen hired and trained their sales team with hyrise

How Emlen hired and trained their sales team with hyrise

Jan-Niklas Frantz
Jan-Niklas Frantz
Head of Buyer Enablement
Learn more
How Emlen hired and trained their sales team with hyrise

Our use cases

Different individual and group training packages for your company’s specific needs.


Individual programs designed specifically to ramp up newbies

For newbies
a group of three women standing next to each other
Streamlined onboarding program to achieve proficiency in 10 days
Focus on a wide range of topics relevant to sales
Emphasis on building a strong foundation for new sales members
Assessment for identifying skills and potential
Access to the learning platform with valuable learning content and practice scenarios
Monthly learning progress through participant analysis and dashboard


Continuous, personalized training for sales professionals

For salespeople
a group of three women standing next to each other
Personalized learning journey focused on achieveing preagreed goals
Focus on topics agreed with management and learners
Focus on building strong, sustainable skills
Biweekly sessions with experienced trainers: Focus on practice
Assessment for identifying skills and potential
Access to the learning platform with valuable learning content and practice scenarios
Personalized feedback and coaching sessions


Intensive programs designed specifically for sales managers

For managers
a group of three women standing next to each other
Tailored programs on leadership and management
Focus on each company's specific issues
Focus on building a sustainable sales playbooks for your company
Biweekly sessions with experienced leadership trainers: Focus on practice
Assessment for identifying skills and potential
Access to the learning platform with valuable learning content and practice scenarios
Monthly learning progress through participant analysis and dashboard

Group Ramp-up

Individual programs designed specifically to ramp up newbies

For teams
Focus on imparting the necessary fundamentals for modern (digital) sales
Same training content as in the individual variant
Longer sessions than in the individual variant
Group size can vary from 2-25 participants

Group Upskill

Continuous, personalized training for sales teams

For teams
Focus on improving 3-4 specific skills
Same training content as in the individual option
Longer sessions than in the individual variant
Group size can vary from 2-25 participants

Group Leadership

Designed specifically for sales managers, done by senior coaches

For Teams
Focus on all topics related to team empowerment and role understanding
Same training content as in the individual variant
Longer sessions than in the individual variant
Group size can vary from 2-25 participants
a group of people standing next to each other

Are you still not sure? Book an intro call!

Optimized onboarding program to get your skills within 10 days
Focus on a wide range of sales-related topics
The focus is on building a strong foundation for new sales members
Comprehensive advice to ensure smooth integration into the sales role

Meet our world-class trainer team.

All our trainers have "been there, done that" with significant training experience. Most being active sales leaders at top tech companies.

Theresa Lehmstedt

Theresa Lehmstedt

Sales Trainer @Hyrise

Hello! I am Theresa. As a sales trainer and coach, my journey was driven by a deep passion to empower people to reach their full potential. Over the past 5 years, I've immersed myself in the dynamic areas of inbound and outbound sales and worked seamlessly in both B2B and B2C landscapes.

Oktay Özen

Oktay Özen

Sales Trainer @Hyrise

Hi, I'm Oktay. With over 8 years of experience in the dynamic area of digital sales and business development in the European startup/scale-up ecosystem, I've spent the last 7 years honing my skills at SaaS companies, specializing in B2B outbound sales.

Jasmin Kwiotek

Jasmin Kwiotek

Sales Trainer @Hyrise

Hi all, I'm Jasmin. With 8 years of experience in sales and promotion, I have extensive experience. I specialize in both physical and digital products, with a focus on SaaS solutions.

Dominic Blank

Dominic Blank

Sales Trainer @Hyrise

Hi, this is Dominic speaking. I started my career with a lot of enthusiasm and immersed myself in the trainee program at Siemens AG, where I immersed myself in the intricacies of sales through intensive training and mentoring. My career continued as a sales manager in Siemens' IT and telecommunications unit, where I specialized in complex corporate sales.

Sandra Van de Pas

Sandra Van de Pas

Sales Trainer @Hyrise

Hi everyone, I'm Sandra. With over 20 years of experience in international sales and business development, my journey is characterized by dedication and commitment to excellence. During my career, I worked with various manufacturers of technical capital goods and participated in sales activities across the entire cycle in various European markets. I have also taken on the management of back office teams.

Jan Klein

Jan Klein

Sales Trainer @Hyrise

Hi everyone, I'm Jan. I've taken on various roles in a professional environment, starting as Head of Sales DACH at Choco before moving on to roles as a sales and startup coach. My journey also includes experience as a co-founder (Vollarte), venture capitalist and management positions at one of Germany's newest unicorns, Digitalhub.

Christoph Karger

Christoph Karger

Sales Trainer @Hyrise

Hi everyone, I'm Chris. As an experienced sales professional and commercial manager, I bring a dynamic perspective to the business world. With a degree in business administration, I have a proven track record in mid-market sales and consistently exceed ambitious growth goals. I proudly describe myself as an optimist.

Robin Stabenow

Robin Stabenow

Sales Trainer @Hyrise

Hi everyone, I'm Robin. In my multi-faceted journey as a lecturer, business angel and coach, I find joy in both learning and teaching, always with a firm focus on L&D (Learning and Development), RevOps and Change Management.

Jamaine Pulat

Jamaine Pulat

Sales Trainer @Hyrise

Hi, I'm Jamaine. I have 8 years of dedicated experience in customer-oriented positions, with a particular focus on direct B2B SaaS and ad tech sales. In addition, I have gained 1 year of experience in leadership and mentoring/coaching roles.

Isabell Schacht

Isabell Schacht

Sales Trainer @Hyrise

Hi everyone, I'm Isabell. I have a degree in business psychology and have more than 4 years of enriching sales experience, including sales introduction, personnel management, sales training and coaching, with a particular focus on sales psychology.

Mia Siemen

Mia Siemen

Sales Trainer @Hyrise

Hi everyone, I'm Mia. I bring 4 years of invaluable experience in the sales industry, with a focus on B2B SaaS and technology start-ups. My journey includes hands-on experience across the sales cycle, consulting and training, and covers a range of B2B solutions.

Niklas Harzheim

Niklas Harzheim

Sales Trainer @Hyrise

Hi everyone, I'm Niklas. An experienced account executive with over 10 years of enriching experience in fast-growing technology companies, including Zalando, Google, Looker, DataRobot, and Google Cloud.

Lilia Kohl

Lilia Kohl

Sales Trainer @Hyrise

Hi everyone, I'm Lilia. I am your contact person as a sales and management trainer and am committed to supporting (potential) managers, sales teams and specialists in the successful implementation of their change and training projects.

Kira vom Hagen

Kira vom Hagen

Sales Trainer @Hyrise

Hi everyone, I'm Kira. Over the last 12 years of my career, I have gained a wide range of sales management experience spanning IT, ERP, consulting and retail. My expertise spans across the DACH region and internationally and includes transaction-oriented sales, mid-market efforts and corporate strategies at company level.

Max Köster

Max Köster

Sales Trainer @Hyrise

Max is a certified business coach and has an NLP master's degree. In his more than 15 years of experience, he has helped over 40 companies improve their reach with frontline training, coaching, consulting, management and, of course, practical implementation to optimize communication, maximize productivity and efficiency, achieve and exceed goals, and ultimately increase revenue.

Over 700 people trained
Over 500 vacancies filled
4.9/5 satisfaction rate

Womit kann hyrise meinem Unternehmen helfen?

Wir helfen dir, neue Talente durch hyriseRecruiting einzustellen und/oder dein bestehendes Sales Team durch hyriseTraining zu trainieren. Beides kann zusammen oder unabhängig voneinander geschehen.

Was genau macht hyrise?

hyrise hilft Tech Unternehmen, die zwei größten Herausforderungen beim Aufbau leistungsstarker Sales Teams zu lösen: Offene Sales Positionen effektiv zu besetzen und bestehende Sales Teams erfolgreich zu trainieren. Über unseren Service hyriseRecruiting vermitteln wir geprüfte und meist unentdeckte Talente als motivierte Sales Mitarbeiter an innovative Digitalunternehmen, sei es als SDRs, AEs oder Sales Manager. Mit hyriseTraining trainieren wir Sales Mitarbeiter effektiv on-the-job durch ein kontinuierliches, auf die jeweiligen Bedürfnisse zugeschnittenes Trainingsprogramm. Wir arbeiten mit über 200 führenden Unternehmen wie Hubspot, Doctolib oder HRS zusammen und sind durch die VOX-Startup-Show "Die Höhle der Löwen" im Herbst 2022 bekannt geworden.

Wie sieht die Zusammenarbeit mit uns aus?

Du möchtest neue Talente einstellen?
hyrise macht dir das Einstellen in 3 Schritten so einfach wie möglich.
Schritt 1: Teile deine Anforderungen mit: Triff dich mit deinem persönlichen Talentberater, um deine spezifischen Anforderungen an die Rolle zu erläutern.
Schritt 2: Prüfe eine passende Auswahlliste: Prüfe nur Kandidaten, die von unserem Team auf ihre Eignung hin untersucht und überprüft wurden.
Schritt 3: Einstellen und Einarbeiten: Nutze unsere Unterstützung bei der Einstellung deiner Traumkandidaten. Nach der Einstellung erhalten alle Mitarbeiter ein kostenloses On-the-Job-Training für eine schnellere Einarbeitung.

Du möchtest Talente ausbilden?
hyrise steigert die Leistung deines Teams durch unser kontinuierliches Enablement-Training.
Schritt 1: Bewertung: Wir führen eine Analyse der IST Kompetenzen durch, um Stärken und verbesserungswürdige Bereiche zu ermitteln. Auf dieser Grundlage legen wir einen individuellen 12-monatigen Lernpfad fest und ordnen auf der Basis einen passenden Trainer zu.
Schritt 2: Training - Jeder Sales Mitarbeiter oder jedes Team erhält einen eigenen Sales Trainer, der in regelmäßigen Sessions an den vorab definierten Fokusthemen arbeitet. Sessions sind maximal praktisch mit Rollenspielen o.Ä. die jeweils auf die Praxis der Vertriebler zugeschnitten sind.
Schritt 3: Lernen: Mikro-Lernaktivitäten und Übungsaufgaben zwischen den Sitzungen.

Wie werden die Bewerber ausgewählt und vorbereitet?

Die Kandidaten durchlaufen ein intensives Auswahl- und Vorbereitungsverfahren. Nach der Bewerbung führt unser Talent Success Team individuelle Motivationsinterviews und Gruppenworkshops durch, in denen Fähigkeiten wie Neugier, Trainierbarkeit, Kommunikationsverhalten, Motivation und andere für den Verkaufserfolg bewertet werden. Außerdem durchlaufen Kandidaten verschiedene Tech Sales Kurse, um Verständnis, Erwartungshaltung und Eignung zu prüfen..

Sprechen die Kandidaten Deutsch?

Ja, alle. Wir setzen voraus, dass sie mindestens das Niveau C1 in Deutsch haben. Die meisten Kandidaten sind deutsche Muttersprachler.

Wie wird mein bestehendes Team trainiert und wie lange wird das dauern?

Auf der Grundlage einer anfänglichen Bewertung der Defizite und des Potenzials des derzeitigen Teams, empfehlen wir maßgeschneiderte Trainingsprogramme, die dann mit den jeweiligen Führungskräften vereinbart werden. Diese maßgeschneiderten Trainingsprogramme sind eine Kombination aus relevanter Theorie, Einzel-/Gruppenarbeitssitzungen mit erfahrenen Vertriebstrainern und Feedback Schleifen mit dem Management. Die Dauer des Trainings liegt in der Regel bei 12 Monaten, kann in Einzelfällen aber auch abweichen.

a group of three women standing next to each other

Hast du Fragen? Wir sind hier, um dir zu helfen.

Kannst du die Antwort, die du suchst, nicht finden? Bitte chatte mit unserem freundlichen Team.