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Dissatisfied at work? You can do that!

If dissatisfaction and frustration become a permanent part of everyday work, a change must be made. The result of persistent frustration and stress is internal dismissal. Motivation and performance suffer as a result.

Changing jobs is a challenge that can bring back your passion for what you do. Changes are not only exciting, they also help you develop your full potential. Fear of change, on the other hand, keeps you stuck in the familiar situation.

Study confirms high willingness to change

You are by no means alone in your job dissatisfaction. A FORSA study commissioned by Xing career platform shows that 37% of the people surveyed from German-speaking countries are interested in a career change. This applies in particular to people in the age group between 30 and 39 years of age.

In addition to financial motivation, dissatisfaction, a lack of purpose in the job and interest in new challenges were mentioned most frequently. The corona pandemic has increased the willingness of many people to change jobs. Many people have already changed jobs because the employer's culture simply didn't suit them anymore. And they want more purpose and a better working environment.

Causes of job frustration

The change of job should not be hasty, as the new situation is also associated with a risk. The causes of job dissatisfaction are manifold.

Lack of development and advancement opportunities cause stagnation and a lack of success. Work performance, self-perception and motivation suffer and you are unable to develop your own potential.

The corporate culture and working environment are important factors of well-being. Anyone who fits well into the team and the company feels understood and valued. In a pleasant working environment, teams deliver excellent work performance and results. A poor working environment, unnecessary conflicts and unfair behavior from team members cause frustration.

A permanently poor working environment can even have health effects. Anyone who feels uncomfortable when thinking about work should urgently change something. After all, dissatisfaction should not become part of everyday life.

People spend most of the day at work. A good work experience also brings more satisfaction to private life. Zu high workload and continuous stress are just as harmful as stagnation or boredom.

underchallenge may cause boreout. Those affected feel underwhelmed by routine work and become dissatisfied because their own creative potential remains unused. Constant stress is the most common cause of burnout to depression. In that case, you should ask yourself whether you want to do this to yourself in the long term.

Other causes of job frustration include:

  • the lack of identification with the company
  • unfair remuneration,
  • a poor work-life balance,
  • unused skills through undemanding routine work,
  • a job without meaningful activities.

Possible solutions without changing jobs

Sleep problems, fatigue, stress, mood swings, panic attacks or depression can be triggered by stress and frustration at work. Before you jump head over heels into changing jobs, figure out what you really want.

If you are satisfied with the company but not with your job, an internal application may make the desired change. You can discuss the lack of career and development opportunities with your immediate supervisor.

A clarifying discussion is also helpful when there is constant stress or boredom at work. If there is a lack of willingness to talk or no opportunities for change, you should draw a line and look for new career opportunities outside of your company.

Exciting perspective: job in the IT sector

You shouldn't accept resignation. Free yourself from the stressful situation by seeing it as a challenge and an opportunity.

Would you like to find a job quickly so that you can finally achieve your career goals? Don't quit your job until the new opportunity is secure. This is how you avoid gaps in your resume.

A career change in the IT sector offers exciting opportunities. Many new jobs are created every year in the growing industry. You don't need IT know-how for a successful career change. It is much more important to have the right mindset and appropriate soft skills.

B2B sales are particularly exciting. You present software solutions in a sales-promoting way and are in contact with many different customer companies. Digital sales are versatile; everyday work requires your creativity, but also analytical skills.

Interfaces between sales and marketing provide variety. Jobs in tech sales and in other IT segments offer constant development opportunities. You can develop yourself and shape the way you work yourself. This is how you develop your full potential.

A successful entry into the tech sector

Even though you may be afraid of a new challenge, changing jobs or careers can improve your life. The tech sector offers exciting opportunities, development potential and excellent compensation.

Hyrise Academy supports you on the way to your dream career. Regardless of whether you are dissatisfied at work, are looking for a new challenge, are planning to start your career after parental leave or are still at the very beginning of your career path. Together with you, we lay the foundation for a career that makes you happy.

Get started in tech sales now!

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